Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Changes to my Opening Sequence

Since the film review, I have made a few updates to tweak my opening sequence. Firstly, I've tightened up the pacing by trimming down shots and adding more action to keep the audience engaged. In terms of the storyline, I've added hints throughout to provide more clarity on why the girl is being asked to look at the moon, while still maintaining the mysterious vibe. Visually, I've experimented with different camera angles and lighting techniques to make the sequence more dynamic and visually interesting. Additionally, I've selected more atmospheric music tracks to enhance the mood and immerse the audience further into the scene. Overall, I believe these adjustments have significantly improved the sequence, making it feel more polished and captivating.

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AICE Media AS Level Creative Critical Reflection

I hope you enjoy watching this as much as I enjoyed creating it!