Friday, September 29, 2023


 Welcome back to my blog! After a lengthy procedure, I have now completed my commercial. I hope my commercial was as entertaining to you as it was to me. I am satisfied with what I submitted. I had to learn how to utilize a few items that I had never used before while producing it. I discovered how to add sound to my video by removing it from a video. Although it took some time to perfect, the ultimate result was fantastic. In order to make my images fit the frame, I also had to learn how to trim and alter their size. I found it difficult to learn how to make my photographs and movies shorter because I did not want them to make the viewer get bored.  But after making a few tiny adjustments, I was able to get each image and video to the ideal duration to keep viewers engaged. In order to make the advertisement flow flawlessly, I had to rearrange images and footage. After completing this project, I am more adept at using the CapCut app's editing and creation features. I discovered that you need to work consistently and avoid procrastination if you want a project to succeed. Good projects take time, and if you rush them, your greatest work may not be produced. To achieve greater results, you should put time and effort into your task. For the next project, I can improve my time management between all of my classes. Since I have a lot of other AICE classes as well as harder level science classes which make me have a lot of work to keep up with. I did not prioritize this class as much as I probably should have.

Besides that, I loved making this project and I am glad this class has fun projects.

Bye bloggers!

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

All About Me Commercial

This is my all about me commercial. I spent a lot of time on this project and I hope you enjoy learning a little more about me.

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Production Blog ; Editing app

 Hello Bloggers! Welcome back to Ary’s world. In this production blog, I am going to discuss what software I will use to edit my commercial. I asked one of my friends who is an editor to help teach me how to use CapCut. CapCut is an editing app that is very popular on apps like TikTok. There are other apps like VideoStar and After Effects that are better, but they cost money. At first, I had no idea how to use the app. I had only used it one time and I used an automatic template that I saw online. But that was a few months ago. I finally found how to sign up, and after that I began a new project. I looked around at all the features so I could try to familiarize myself with the functions. Once I saw the different templates I knew I was doing something right. I was still a little confused which is when I called my friend to help me. She taught me how easy it was to add clips. I finally saw how similar CapCut is to iMovie. I had used iMovie many times before so once I saw how similar the apps were I knew I was going to like editing. For now, I plan to use this app to create my commercial. I have only added one clip so far but I still need to figure out how to do a few more things. I hope my editing process will be smooth and not stressful. Bye bloggers!

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Production blog ; Changes and tweaking

Hey bloggers. Welcome back to Ary's world! In this blog, I will be talking about what my commercial will represent. The point of this project is to create my very first commercial project ever. This commercial will provide a more in detail perspective of my life. The project will highlight more about me than what meets the eye. Although, I have changed the plan of what I want to do with my project. Originally I wanted to multiple clips explaining what the photos mean to me. Now, I would much rather do a photo collage styled video. In each clip, I will add a bunch of images that for example represent my friendships. On top of the images I will write what they mean. I am very indecisive, so choosing just one or two photos is too much for me to pick. I feel like this choice will allow me to show ALL of my friendships. All of my favorite places, all of my favorite scenery images. My favorite artists as well. I want my commercial to show all of what makes me myself. I also feel as if this will be more aesthetically pleasing. In conclusion, I made a small but necessary change to my plan for my commercial. I hope my project will turn out exactly how I plan it to. I also hope the editing process will go smoothly!

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Production blog

 In order to configure a commercial for myself, I must collect all components. I will be discussing the photos I collected to create my commercial. First, I will collect photos that I feel truly represent me and what I value. Photos containing important relationships I have. Friendships are very important to me, especially if the friendship has lasted a while. I will also add photos of my family, who have supported me throughout my life. Next, I will add photos of myself. These photos will show what features and colors make up what I look like to show my audience. Photos from my childhood until now will also be included. I want to show every phase of my life in my commercial about me, because I feel as though that is a proper way to represent myself. In my video, I want to add photos of my hobbies as well as photos of places I enjoy and my favorite things to observe. I will add photos of the beach, the park, the moon, and photos of my favorite place to watch the sunset which is a corner of a street on my block. I will add photos of my car, because I love quiet car rides at sunset or loud drives filled with music and laughter with friends or family. For my song, I want to use “Super Rich Kids” by Frank Ocean or “Thinkin Bout You” also by Ocean. His album, “channel orange” was released in 2012, and although I was very young then, his music is timeless. I continue to listen to it almost daily. I feel like the songs match me and I want to use it in my commercial. As for the rest, I want to focus on the order of my pictures and videos. I want to start off with photos of me, then slowly work my way to putting photos of my hobbies, and then places I like to be.

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Research and Planning Blog

Hey Bloggers! The process of picking out the media for my all about me blog was choosing media that I feel truly represents me. My favorite time of day is the sunset, usually at the beach. I chose images of the sunset that I've taken anywhere, but some of my favorites that I included are those at the beach. I've always loved the beach and the atmosphere around it which is why I also included images of the sand and the shore. One thing about me is that I love taking photos. I love having the memories to always look back on which is why I included photos of my favorite memories to reminisce on. I love my Puerto Rican heritage. I often spent summers with my hispanic family back on the island. I included photos of those memories in my commercial as well. The song I chose to include is Super Rich Kids by Frank Ocean. Frank Ocean is an artist that I love listening to. Although he has not released an album in a while, I often find myself playing his song in a plethora of situations. My favorite season is fall, especially because that is the season I was born in. I included a few images that correlate to the season to reference my love for it. My favorite colors are pink, white, red and brown. I made sure to include those colors as well. My favorite thing to photograph is the moon. The moon is the most beautiful constant in the world. No matter what phase or where in the sky it is, it always finds a way to shine.

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Intro Blog



Hey, my name is Aryanna Morrobel. I was born in October of 2007, and I am 15 years old. I was born in the United States and have moved around a few times. Some things that make me who I am are the things I like. My favorite time of day is the sunset, specifically at the beach. I've always loved the beach, the smell of the ocean and laying in the sand. I love taking pictures. Whether it's of scenery, my friends or something I just wanted to save. I love having the memories to always look back on. I spend forever in my photos. I find it tiring when I settle into a constant routine. I dislike when things repeat yet I find it hard to accept great change. One important thing about me is family. I have my mother, father, grandmother and many cousins in my life. Some of my greatest joys in life are spending time with my family. Another thing that brings me joy is my academics. I put genuine effort into my schoolwork and activities that will further my academic success. I love my Puerto Rican heritage. I often spent summers with my hispanic family back on the island. I am still figuring things about myself. I find comfort in reflecting on the past and it motivates me to continue my future.

AICE Media AS Level Creative Critical Reflection

I hope you enjoy watching this as much as I enjoyed creating it!