Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Production blog

 In order to configure a commercial for myself, I must collect all components. I will be discussing the photos I collected to create my commercial. First, I will collect photos that I feel truly represent me and what I value. Photos containing important relationships I have. Friendships are very important to me, especially if the friendship has lasted a while. I will also add photos of my family, who have supported me throughout my life. Next, I will add photos of myself. These photos will show what features and colors make up what I look like to show my audience. Photos from my childhood until now will also be included. I want to show every phase of my life in my commercial about me, because I feel as though that is a proper way to represent myself. In my video, I want to add photos of my hobbies as well as photos of places I enjoy and my favorite things to observe. I will add photos of the beach, the park, the moon, and photos of my favorite place to watch the sunset which is a corner of a street on my block. I will add photos of my car, because I love quiet car rides at sunset or loud drives filled with music and laughter with friends or family. For my song, I want to use “Super Rich Kids” by Frank Ocean or “Thinkin Bout You” also by Ocean. His album, “channel orange” was released in 2012, and although I was very young then, his music is timeless. I continue to listen to it almost daily. I feel like the songs match me and I want to use it in my commercial. As for the rest, I want to focus on the order of my pictures and videos. I want to start off with photos of me, then slowly work my way to putting photos of my hobbies, and then places I like to be.

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AICE Media AS Level Creative Critical Reflection

I hope you enjoy watching this as much as I enjoyed creating it!