Welcome back to my blog! After a lengthy procedure, I have now completed my commercial. I hope my commercial was as entertaining to you as it was to me. I am satisfied with what I submitted. I had to learn how to utilize a few items that I had never used before while producing it. I discovered how to add sound to my video by removing it from a video. Although it took some time to perfect, the ultimate result was fantastic. In order to make my images fit the frame, I also had to learn how to trim and alter their size. I found it difficult to learn how to make my photographs and movies shorter because I did not want them to make the viewer get bored. But after making a few tiny adjustments, I was able to get each image and video to the ideal duration to keep viewers engaged. In order to make the advertisement flow flawlessly, I had to rearrange images and footage. After completing this project, I am more adept at using the CapCut app's editing and creation features. I discovered that you need to work consistently and avoid procrastination if you want a project to succeed. Good projects take time, and if you rush them, your greatest work may not be produced. To achieve greater results, you should put time and effort into your task. For the next project, I can improve my time management between all of my classes. Since I have a lot of other AICE classes as well as harder level science classes which make me have a lot of work to keep up with. I did not prioritize this class as much as I probably should have.
Besides that, I loved making this project and I am glad this class has fun projects.
Bye bloggers!