Monday, October 16, 2023

music video production blog

 Hey guys! Welcome back to Ary's world. This time, I am doing a blog about my experience making a music video. Our newest project happens to be recording a makeshift music video. The song me and my friends have chosen is Infrunami by Steve Lacy. We have decided to make our music video surrounding a picnic. One of my group members, Katherine, completed the storyboard. The storyline surrounds a happy group of friends enjoying an autumn evening in the park. They play around and smile as they have a picnic. We will need props such as cake, blankets, a basket and more. We want around twelve scenes and we are still deciding when to film. Personal issues have arose and now we are not all available on the same days to film our project. We plan to bake our cake on the same day of our filming. We will also buy our props on our filming day. Then we will set up at the park location we chose and begin blocking. After blocking our moves, we will begin to record. Through trial and error I believe it will not take that long to record our video due to the small time frame we are allotted. After filming, we will start to edit and tweak anything we don't like. Then, we will place the clips together and add transitions. We will most likely do this through capcut. Our group has mutually agreed to use the editing app capcut since we all had an enjoyable process editing our commercials on the app. I hope our plan no longer changes and makes the process harder.

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AICE Media AS Level Creative Critical Reflection

I hope you enjoy watching this as much as I enjoyed creating it!